Thursday, October 31, 2019

Media Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Media Analysis - Essay Example Introduction The term â€Å"media† was coined with the advent of radio networks, magazines and newspapers in the 1920. The media do have several main functions all of which have at least political insinuations: reporting, entertainment, socializing new generations, identifying public problems, making profits and providing a political forum. It is known to play a central role in influencing people, and, therefore, changes the formation of attitudes and beliefs. The following sections are dedicated to the study of the media in relation to daily occurrences and processes, and will consider the interaction between media and the government in daily life, in Australia and United States of America. Television Media Media television is specifically designed to serve a large audience. Television, manuscripts and books, internet, prerecorded video and speech, music, film, mobile phones and video games are today regarded as media. Hollywood executives have in the past admitted that media wields extraordinary power to entertain, educate and inform. Television programming is meant to entertain, educate and informing the masses, and known to play a main role in forming or changing people’s attitudes towards subjects or objects. Television and Politics In print media, political discussions are unavoidable just like political stories cannot miss on television extremely day. Political news and political announcements are regularly encountered on all forms of media and more especially during campaigns. Media also provides a forum for the general public to discuss topical issues, which are of, national interest. In overall, media remains a vital means through which people get information regarding the performance of their governments on top of other products that it offers. While the importance of media as the government’s watchdog cannot be undermined, it is also noted that sometimes media presents information in a biased way to influence the public in makin g decisions, which may or, may not be for their benefits. The mass media does several main functions all of which have at least political insinuations: reporting, entertainment, socializing new generations, identifying public problems, making profits and providing a political forum. When it comes to government activities, the media does have even greater influence than it has during political campaigns. This is in line with the fact that both president and media need each other. In Australia, television remains the most commonly used sources of news and current affairs with most cable television news and internet services. US Television Networks In the United States, there are five key television networks. For example, there is over-the-air; free-to-air; cable television; internet television and direct satellite broadcasting. Furthermore, there are syndicated shows which do rerun several TV series and old movies. However, there have been new concepts, which have been, established to promote the airing of international programs like National Football League, the Simpsons which do broadcast through UHF. As such, such prime time schedules and programs have been aired for not more than two hours, but when international programs like the Simpsons have achieved success despite that they were aired for a short time. However, the programs broadcasted did achieve such eminent success, and, therefore, such international programs were promoted. Consequently, that was the inception of the airing

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sandmoor Estate Limited Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Sandmoor Estate Limited - Article Example Making an idea actually work could not have been possible without the grace of God, prayers of our parents and support from our friends. Due credit goes to Ms. Aliya Saleem for being such a supportive course instructor as well as a source of information whenever needed. Without her guidance and timely feedback this report could not have been materialized. The company is working well as compared to previous year. However, when an isolated ratio analysis was done, it was revealed that still financial position of the company is not appreciable. Moreover, few discrepancies also exist. Like use of multiple depreciation methods, unclear or incorrect figure of the number of shares, this leads to false ratio analysis of earning per share. Thus it is recommended that the figures should be clearly stated and discrepancies should be avoided. Auditing, though not mandatory in this case, should be done to gain confidence of the stakeholders rapidly. The secondary stage comprises of the discussion about the company with the seniors and the colleagues to get their perspective about the same. Internet research was also done to identify potential weaknesses and their solutions. We tried to study the annual report of the firm under observation from different angles. There are different methods for studying these reports and analyzing it, like ratio analysis and horizontal analysis etc. Each of the method has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the horizontal method is highly affected by the previous year's performances. Moreover, the micro and macro environment may also vary from one year ot another, the industry situations may also change. To overcome this, we have used the ratio analysis method. Ratio analysis takes the ratios of the quantities of the same year, so there are no chances of the effect of changing environment on the one side of the equation. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM: The accounting year of the Sandmoor Estates Limited starts at December 1 and ends on November 30 every year. The financial statements are prepared on annual basis. These statements preparation occupies a key position in the financial arena of the organization. These statements not only serves the purpose of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Causes of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)

Causes of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) Road accident fatalities are one of the major causes of death and injuries in Malaysia. Believed it or not, every years more people died because of road accident compare to diseases. Human factors, including their attitudes, carelessness and health contributed to almost all road accidents in this country and number keep on increasing every year and last year alone it shown increases of 397,194 cases in which fatal death accident note down 6,218 cases sources from Road Safety Department Malaysia (RSDM). In Asia, it estimated 400,000 people are killed because of road accident and about 4 million suffered injuries. Apart from that, about 15 million more suffered disability for life sources from Transport Research Laboratory, United Kingdom. The increasing number of road accident fatalities is contributed from the fast growing of economic, population, motorisation and the improvement development of the industrial sector in this country on wide scale. Each year, Malaysian has a new car o n the road due to most of Malaysian, affords to buy a new car each year. Last year alone, car sales peak up 2 percent nearly 536,905 vehicles said Aishah Ahmad (2010). The aim of this paper is to provide critical knowledge and understanding the causes and nature of accidents, statistical data regarding road accidents, social-economical context and impact towards my practise environment especially nursing profession. Hopefully, I critically enable too highlight the reflected issue. Nurse is a noble career. This career suit appropriate for a particular person with warm hearted, caring, concern and patience in accept challenges. A nurse has a great deal of responsibility in saving people lives like a doctor who are skillful medical expert and healer. Nurse as a healthcare provider, working shoulder to shoulder with doctors. In fact, the nurses presence indeed can make a difference between life and death. Im a nurse, working in Emergency and Trauma Department (ED), ED provides twenty four hours emergency care for the population of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya district and its surrounding area and responsible for the immediate recognition, evaluation, treatment, stabilisation and disposition of medical and surgical emergencies. Other emergency care services provided include Definitive Care Management, Pre Hospital Care, Call Centre and Disaster Management. As an ED nurse working at twenty four hours emergency care unit facing up with the increasing fatalities of road accident injury had burden up the workload towards nurses job itself. Delivering effective, accurate and carried out appropriate triaging system can be at stack. Why? Because of the stress amount had to carried out due to interpersonal attitudes, physical ability, shortage of working personal like doctor, nurses or assistant medical assistant (AMO), lack of appropriate equipment, working staff poor of knowledge and skill in dealing with patient with unstable conditions, that need to be treated quickly. Because time is such an essential factor in emergency treatment and proper triaging of patient in ED allows life-saving and first aid measures. In fact, triaging reducing patient waiting times that are in need of urgent attention and assessment on arrival. This will determine their priority of care, this was adapted from military medical practice as describe by Crouch R (199 2). The goals and the potential benefits of triage especially at ED is in assessing patient priority of care upon arrival, provision of life-saving and first aid interventions, reducing the anxiety frustration by quick assessment, provide information to patients and relatives, more efficient use of resources by early and appropriate directing of patient, it is according to the my department Patients Charter. The benefit of this assessment, able to direct patient to the most appropriate care area. Bailey. A (1997). Because of patient care increasingly needed on treating the sickest, the need for advanced practice nurse to provide and coordinate care in emergency rooms or trauma care has never been greater. In response to the increasing demand and changes within the scope of professional practice as a qualified nurse. There are few essential responsibilities carried out by nurses at ED. For instance, identifies Substantial psycho-emotion need by evaluate and assessing patient before distribute them for appropriate care area, age-specific plans for patient accordance to the standard nursing guidelines for proper care and treatment, perform constant observation of vital sign. Perform duties as a mentor and key player particularily in advanced area for other nurses and health care professional. In providing good quality nursing care as outlined by Nurses Act 1950 (Revised-1969). Currently and in future ahead nurses role will increase along side with the rising health consciousness and in need of good quality health care worldwide. In reality, nurses are one of a crucial component in patients recovery stated by Richardson LD (2001). As defined by, nurse in ED is who has a nursing practice with formal post-basic education in holistic assessment, physical diagnosis, treatment and promotion of health. Similarly, Tritsch (1998), has observed that the transition into excited environments has highlighted the need for theory-based practice to new level. Nurse in ED performs all responsibilities or duties meets Nursing and Midwifery Board, Malaysia standard of service. There are still some debate about nursing roles in the ED, suggesting that there have been some erosion of conventional nursing value such as care, compassion and loyalty. The responsibility of nurses in ED needs to be clarified; as we know, nurses not practically care for non-critical patients as review by Watkinson S, (2006). The nurses role in ED is high recognisable and which is also allow the development of the nursing knowledge and skill. This includes triage, trauma care for patient in the entire areas of the ED as required. Jones (1990); found that normal practice in these departments was impossible to establish, such was the variety of skills of a medical practitioner being undertaken. In making these potential roles in patient care are to be realised, the ED nurse should not be viewed as a replacement to the junior doctor or AMO, but view as a professional with high qualities and skills said Hooker R (2006). In addition, there should be determine some appropriate scope of practice for ED nurse to established a position within the multidisciplinary team in enhance ED care. Theres should be inter-professional discussion to clarify the manpower, educational and professional/political implication of the ED nurse role. The implication of the ED nurse role system can provides towards the development of nursing practice in each trust on a multidisciplinary basis, providing of vicarious liability by the employing right for each ED nurse, providing appropriate education programmes i.e. ED nurse should retain a generic education programme such as Post-Basic in Advanced Emergency Medical Trauma Care (AEMTC) or separate module of high tertiary level of education in Degree or Master and also provide with short time programme development like MTLS(Malaysia Trauma Life Support), ACLS(Advanced Cardiac Life Support), BLS(Basic Life Support) and in PALS(Paediatric Advanced Life Support), but this unique opportunity not an effective resource whereby, possible de-skilling of the emergency nurse practice in other aspects of nursing care. There are many causes of accident on the road. Driving recklessly examples awful personal habits, speeding, lack of awareness, in proper or unacceptable behaviour and not wearing proper safety gear or attire especially for motorcyclist and other road user are some of the problems that contribute factor for accidents. According to a study by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, 2009), it shown nearly 500 drivers involved in road accident, it found out that some of car driver driving when sleepy, driving late night and driving for six to eight hours non-stop or lack of sleep, this linked up with a significant raise and risk of a car crash and would resulting in severe injury or death. Human error is a central element in accidents. Peter (1998) defined an error is a set of human series of action that exceeds level of tolerability. Usually, the normal judgment in behavior and human error is a departure from a normal human being. Reason (1990), reflect unsafe acts is an errors, mistake and violation. Errors can happen with or without conscious thought. It like an action that result from misinterpretation of the actual situation. In other words, mistakes are accidental behaviors that involve incorrect choice of inappropriate action for that particular situation. Routine violations come from the rules which involve behaviors, such as driving faster than the speed limit i.e.120 km/h. According to the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) Malaysia, the road accident fatality in Malaysia for year 2008 are 373,407 compared with years 2009 which is estimated 397,330 road accident. The difference is about 24,283 or 6.5 percent cases of road accident throughout the whole state of Malay sia. In the meantime, if comparing with other developed countries like Switzerland, Germany and the United States they have managed to reduce the percentage of road accident percentage from 1.9 percent to 1.4 percent said Road Safety Department, Malaysia. See appendix. The number of casualties due to motor vehicle accident (MVA) in the year 2009 for my ED alone stated up to 854 cases. Accident was the first main cause of hospitalization and cause of death for my hospitals. From recent analysis shown that, accidents are more commonly involved motor vehicles and non-motorized vehicles. For 2009, the majority of emergency call for ambulance service which is my ED had this specialized mobilised team in attend patient involved in MVA for early stabilisation and treatment, followed by attending patient who had injuries at workplace and domestic accidents. The increasing of trauma cases were related to the coverage area involving the opening of Maju expressway and the increased of population of office area, commercial centre and housing area. See Appendix. Statistical analysis shown most of the admitted or received patient at my ED for 2005-2009 reported the significant case of head injury was due to MVA. It can be sub-divide into different type of category range from severe to minor head injury. See appendix. The most common cases involved in road accident fatalities caused by severe head injury with 86 patients out of 269 of total head injury suffered from MVA. About 90 percent of the total patient was in coma or with low GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale), the level of consciousness in most of the patient were 3/15 in scale. Enlighten with the government policies and needs on extended the roles of nurses at ED, provided with the underline guidelines and together with the ethical framework of professional practice. As highlighted the requirement for a safe standard of care, nurses have a responsibility to act accordance with rules and guidance which adopted the ethical theories of Deontology; where it is a special duty and obligation to specific people or community. Ethically it is a good practice for examples a healthcare worker have an obligation to protect and safe people who had an injury or in need of help. Here, I have identified six principles for professional practice can be widen; recognition that the nursing practice carried out meet the needs of patient, continually striving for skills and knowledge that provide safe and competent care delivery, recognize the personal limitation of skill and knowledge and effort to ensure meet of patients needs, identify the expansion role must maintain continu ously for safety of the patient care, recognition of the effort of other healthcare workers involved in patient care and provide treatment and lastly the ability to delegate task appropriately. These projections are affected to some and this in fact extent to our context where; in our modern society road accident constitute a major problem thus imposing a significant burden on the workload and financial resources to the government. Malaysia is one of the countries, who have the highest road accident fatality in comparing with among other Southeast Asia country. Road accident fatality causes this country losses man power or working power professional or non professional workers, causes property and infrastructure damage, medical billing burst up sky high, create poor productivity due to disability suffered from injury and lack of professional workers and other revenue maintenance management costly increased and this effect the country economic growth edited by Radin Umar (1998). An average compensation of insurance in the event of damage to or loss of property, life or a person has peak up tremendously. The increasing number of road accident fatalities could push the insurer to press on the insurance premium and the money paid up in the event of damage was a terrible lost of economic profit to the country. According to from Transport Research Laboratory, United Kingdom reported, during 2005-2009 between 750.000 and 880.000 people died in road accidents worldwide. Most of them from the developing and mid-develop countries. Globally, most of the productive age group was involved in the road accident fatalities and loss of disability. The General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) is concerned over the recent rise in accidents involving commercial vehicles definitely will definitely increased insurance compensation because generally, the whole nation not just Malaysia suffered the effect and economic burden of road accident fatality and its estimated about 500 billion dollar. This event causing the held back of social and economic development at large. It involved million of money compensation due to raise of death toll and injuries, costly medical bill, rigorous demand on resources in providing welfare service and contribution, economic growth below per-average, the state become p oorer due to loss of productivity. Conclusion I found out the current situation of healthcare in ED, nurses need to adapt to the constantly changing healthcare procedure, skilled and technique in treating a patient and find new ways to deliver good care-specifically in terms of make it more practical and effective nursing practice to a utmost level ED standard. Having seeing the increasing number of patients involved in road fatality and in-accomplished the goal for urgent-care centers and integrated standard of care of a patient in ED. Nurse are excellent in communicating with patients and in collaborate with other colleague of the para-professional team. Nurses can deliver an exceptional role in terms of reorganizing the ED standard of practice with the current emergency crisis. While road safety has long been consider one of the social responsibilities to the government of Malaysia. I believe this responsibility should not solely rest on the government because there are many ways that the private sector can support government road safety campaigns and initiatives. I hoped members of the private sector would participate and contribute to the effort of increasing road awareness. The government will carry on investing seriously on road safety campaigns in bringing down the fatality rate to below two for every 10,000 registered vehicles by 2020, on par with other developed countries. With the governments spending on multimedia awareness campaigns for road users and upgrading accident-prone roads for safer use is hopefully will further reduce road deaths. Of all road accidents in Malaysia, fatal accident justified a higher degree of concern. However, road authorities feel contend with the figures of 6,218 cases death for last year alone. Although studies shown that causes to most of the accident is because of the drivers themselves. The need for providing a safe and efficient road system has been a main concern to the Malaysian government. Extra measures have to be taken up such as aggressive road safety campaign awareness in civilizing and educate road user to abide by the law and road regulation. Other relevant agencies such as Ministry of Works, Malaysia (MOW) in providing a better and safer road and Ministry of Transport, Malaysia (MOT) constantly make an positive effort in order to improve traffic accident in Malaysia, alongside with the Ministry of Health, Malaysia (MOH) in providing better emergency aid management in attending and treating MVA cases and other government authority efforts to reduce traffic accident and to achiev e its targets, because prevention is better than cure as point up by Furthermore, positive steps have taken into respond by encourage people especially road user to shared care when go for work, encourage to use and support public transport, promote walking as part of health exercise and use of bicycle as an option to traffic congestion and for better and cleaner air for environment and to people to breath. As whole year, most Malaysian will witnessing and exposed with sizzling catchphrase advertisement throughout the radio, television, internet, poster, newspaper and giant electronic screen placed in most major city throughout Malaysia. Some of the phrase held like Stop on Red Light, Ware your seat belt, Celebration, Drive safely, Driving in patient and other sought kind of positive catchphrase. The campaign brought by Road Safety Council Malaysia (2010) and they will highlight on four main issue such as; road safety is a together and community effort and not a sole effort of a government, road regulation and rules is a mandatory ruling to be follow by all road user or bear-up will the summon and severe penalty, follow the law will reducing and avoid fatality and lastly if every citizen support this campaign with uncompromisingly. Hopefully, in future; collaboration between intra and inter government agency will improve more on road safety and nevertheless, the government could achieve road accident death toll to below par level. As it will also could, save million of Ringgit in term of property damage, working force and productivity loss and also medical cost.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Introduction: "Based on five principles of Canada Health Act, Government of Canada introduced national healthcare system in 1962. Canadian government was committed to provide universal and comprehensive healthcare service that is accessible by all permanent residents without restriction based on ones’ income. Canada’s healthcare system is jointly financed by the federal and the provincial government with centralized guidelines established by the federal government to ensure uniform healthcare services across the country. Canada spent approximately $211 billion on healthcare in 2013 with an average of $5,988 per person (CIHI, 2001). Healthcare spending continues to rise and is expected to be 50% of Ontario’s total annual spending in near future. About 70% of Canada’s healthcare cost is publically funded and only 30% is funded by health insurance and out-of-pocket costs (Toronto Sun, 2013). Recent Angus Reid study has revealed that the Canadian healthcare system is struggling to provide satisfactory services to its citizens. It was revealed that 187,000 patients were waiting to receive treatment and 45% of those in the waiting line characterized themselves as â€Å"in pain† (Health Canada, 2005). Waiting lines are common across Canada, for instance, waiting period between primary consultation and surgery is 10.2 weeks in Ontario and 17.1 weeks in Saskatchewan. Due to increase in Demand and aging population, waiting lines have grown by more than 5 weeks since 1967 (Gratzer, 2001). The situation in Ontario and Quebec are more sever compared to other provinces in Canada. In February 1999, demand for healthcare reached a point where it exceed supply and Ontario healthcare had to arrange cancer treatment in United States. Angus Reid poll... ... medical services are said to be free but not many are available without waiting lines. Many issues faced by Canada’s current healthcare system can be addressed by introducing a parallel private and public healthcare system. In order to introduce a two-tier healthcare system, amendments to Canada Health Act at both federal and provincial levels are required. It has been concluded that implementation of two-tier health care system is utmost important as it will be difficult for the government to sustain healthcare funding in future. Two-tier healthcare system will provide efficient healthcare system as waiting lines will be reduced, government spending will be controlled, private sector will provide access to modern technology as well as encourage Canadian physicians to practice in Canada rather than shifting to United States for higher financial incentives."

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discussing Hiroshima

Hiroshima by John Hersey provides the reader with a front row seat to the devastation that atomic power can cause. This book tells the story of the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan on that fateful day in August, 1945, through the eyes of various survivors. Through the eyes of those survivors, we are able to see a glimpse of the horror that occurred on August 6th, 1945. We are able to see how devastating atomic power can be, not only structurally and physically, but also the long term repercussions as well. The force of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 was absolutely devastating. The pressure from the explosion â€Å"varied from 5. 3 to 8. 0 tons per square yard†, and â€Å"had more power than 20,000 tons of TNT. † The bombs blast was forceful enough to move gravestones, knock over railroad cars, and move concrete bridges. The heat of the bomb at its center â€Å"must have been 6,000i Celsius. † The bomb caused concrete to become discolored to a â€Å"light, reddish tint, had scaled off the surface of granite. . . and left prints of the shadows left by its light. † Over 2,500 yards away from the center, a shadow was found that had been â€Å"projected by the handle of a gas pump. There were also a few â€Å"vague human silhouettes† found near the center. Over 62,000 buildings were destroyed, and nearly 6,000 were devastated beyond repair. â€Å"In the heart of the city. . . only five modern buildings. . . could be used again without major repairs. † Houses had been knocked down, whole city blocks had collapsed, fire engulfed everything, and â€Å"gas storage tanks went up in a tremendous burst of flames. † There was â€Å"four square miles of a reddish-brown scar† where everything burned down. On the roadways there were â€Å"hundreds of crumpled bicycles, shells of streetcars and automobiles, all halted in mid-motion. Of the 245, 000 people that lived in Hiroshima when the bomb dropped, 100,000 died and another 100,000 were injured. This number was much greater than the original estimate that â€Å"78,150 people had died, 13,983 were missing, and 37,425 had been injured. † As more and more corpses were recovered from the wreckage, the death toll raised to over 100,000. It is calculated that â€Å"about 25 per cent had died of direct burns from the bomb, about 50 per cent from other injuries, and about 20 per cent as a result of radiation effects. Of those that died, there were hundreds of school girls who had been enlisted to clear fire lanes, 65 out of 150 doctors, 1,654 out of 1,780 nurses died (or were to injured to work), and at the Red Cross Hospital there were only 6 doctors and 10 nurses able to work. The injuries sustained from the bombing were primarily burns, but also injuries from falling debris. Some burns had formed patterns onto persons skin as â€Å"white [clothing] repelled the heat of the bomb and dark clothes absorbed it and conducted it to the skin. Burns caused directly by the bomb i tself caused a persons skin to slip off in â€Å"huge glove like pieces. † The burns were â€Å"first yellow, then red and swollen, with the skin sloughed off, and finally. . . suppurated and smelly. † Upon coming across 20 soldiers, it was stated that their â€Å"faces were wholly burned, their eye sockets were hollow and the fluid from their melted eyes had run down their cheeks. Their mouths were mere swollen, pus covered wounds. . . † Nausea and vomiting were profound, caused by the â€Å"odor of ionization. . . given off by the bomb's fission. Many more drowned in the river while trying to escape the raging fires. Once in the river, the found themselves to weak or injured to badly to cross and drowned when the tide came in. Many people were told that â€Å"there is no hope for the heavily wounded. They will die. We can't bother with them. † Help was primarily given to the lightly wounded as it took less time, and therefore, more lives could be saved. For the most part, only saline and iodine were used to treat injuries, as there was a severe shortage of medical supplies. There were thousands of injured persons that had no one to help them. Although people were dying by the hundreds, there was nobody to carry away the corpses. The scene of hospitals was that of the living laying among the dead, and in their state of shock it was difficult to tell them apart. Doctors were overwhelmed with the â€Å"thousands of patients sprawled out among [the] corpses. † Although there were many that were â€Å"gruesomely wounded†, there were also many that died while having no apparent injuries. The remains of the deceased were eventually cremated, the placed in envelopes with their name upon it. Time was taken to do this because â€Å"disposal of the dead, by decent cremation and enshrinement, is a greater moral responsibility to the Japanese than adequate care of the living. † The few who were not seriously injured felt a sense of guilt for their lack of injuries. Many people only helped their own family, unable to â€Å"comprehend or tolerate a wider circle of misery. † Hysteria and shock began to set in, many became numb to their surroundings. They were â€Å"so emotionally worn out that nothing could surprise them. † To many ‘the bombing almost seemed a natural disaster. . . as the terrible aftermath and human suffering â€Å"reached so far beyond human understanding. † Many of the survivors suddenly felt sick about one month after the bomb was dropped. They came down with the â€Å"strange, capricious disease which came later to be known as radiation sickness. † This unprecedented disease had 3 stages. The first stage was a direct reaction to the bomb going off. These were the many â€Å"apparently uninjured people who died so mysteriously in the first few hours or days. † This is what â€Å"killed 95 per cent of the people within a half mile of the center [of where the bomb was dropped], and many thousands who were farther away. Although they may have had burns, these people died from the radiation, not the burns. The radiation caused their â€Å"nuclei to degenerate†, basically, every cell in their body broke down. The second stage of radiation sickness began 10-15 days after the bombing. Signs exhibited included hair loss, diarrhea, and fever. Then 25-30 days after the bombing, new symptoms began to develop. These symptoms included blood disorders, a drastic drop in white blood cell count (WBC), a rise in i nfections due to the drop of WBC, hemorrhages, slow healing of simple wounds, and anemia. The third stage followed after, and lasted anywhere from one week to several months or longer. The primary symptom was the fluctuation in the white blood cell count. After the WBC had stabilized, wounds would finally begin to heal. As the burns healed, keloid scars formed. Keloid scars were â€Å"hideously ugly, thick, itchy, rubbery, copper-red crablike growths. † There was, at that time, no reliable literature on treatment for these scars. Doctors found that if they removed the keloids, the often returned. Yet, if left untreated, the keloids would sometimes become infected and affect the surrounding muscles. The survivors also had a higher incidence of leukemia- 10 to 50 times higher than the norm. Other types of cancer were also higher among the survivors. Many survivors developed â€Å"A-bomb cataracts†, children's growth was stunted, as well as various long term heath problems like â€Å"anemia, liver dysfunction, sexual problems, endocrine disorders, and accelerated aging. † â€Å"The Japanese tended to shy away from the term ‘survivors'. . .. † and instead referred to them as â€Å"hibakusha†, or â€Å"explosion affected persons. † The hibakusha's â€Å"lived in an economic limbo† as the Japanese government didn't want to acknowledge them. By not acknowledging them, the government didn't have to accept â€Å"moral responsibility for the heinous acts of the victorious United States. † At this point, â€Å"the anger of many hibakusha. . . modulated towards their own government. † There were no special provisions provided for the hibakusha until 1957. In 1957, the A-Bomb Victims Medical Care Law was established. This provided support, free medical treatment, and eventually monthly allowances for the hibakusha's. However, many hibakusha's initially rejected it as they had â€Å"a suspicion of ulterior motives. † Employers developed a prejudice against the hibakusha due to their â€Å"A-Bomb sickness; a nagging weakness and weariness, dizziness now and then, digestive troubles, all aggravated by a feeling of oppression, a sense of doom. . . † Surprisingly, there was a divided opinion about the use of the bomb on Hiroshima. Father Siemes stated that, â€Å"Some of us consider the bomb in the same category as poison gas and were against its use on a civilian population. Others were in the opinion that in total war. . . there was no difference between civilians and soldiers. . . † Hiroshima was engulfed by devastation from the instant the atomic bomb went off, and for many years to follow. Over 100,000 lost their lives, and the survivors, or hibakusha, lost the lives they once knew. As we move forward with new technology, we must look to the ahead to see the future outcomes new technologies could hold. Hopefully, as we look to the future, we remember that atomic power can be devastating. It is amazing that something so small could nearly level an entire city, cost thousands their lives, and still has reverberating effects long after the dust has settled.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Media Manipulation

There are certain negative roles of Pakistani media . Medal Is negatively manipulating the Interests of the people. People of Pakistan are yet not critical / educated enough to realize this manipulation / twisting of facts. There is a famous dictum that â€Å"a lie spoken 100 times becomes greater than a truth† Pakistani media is also blamed for overwhelming negative exaggeration. It glossaries issues, resorts to negative exaggeration of matters, newspaper headlines are depicting violence, etc all this demoralizes the nation.At times news are given without authentication / confirmation. Unethical material / photographs / scenes are shown on our media promoting popularization. Medal Is damaging basic fiber of our nation and has created a crisis of miss identification. Our initial investigation into the topic of truth manipulation began by conducting a ‘cultural probe', followed by an extensive literature review from various sources. Further primary methods such as surveys , questionnaires and focus groups may be used to further enhance our learning and knowledge.User testing will be used during the design development stage to determine if the target market is receptive to NY developed outcomes. Our aim is to equip the public with knowledge as to the ways and means the media uses to Influence their opinions. This will open up the option for our target market to form their own opinions on Issues, rather than taking the political or social stallion at TTS alliance. t TN ten meal wellness to Insult II upon I Following on from semesters group discussions, we begin by discussing and looking into issues concerning our views and perceptions of communication.Self-promotion and publishing, via the forming of new media outlets such as You Tube, My space, Face book and web logs has recently provided an alternative to the traditional way of receiving news information. The idea of creating and selecting the kind of information we wish to enrich ourselves with has steadily become more attractive as of late. With such a dynamic flow of information happening around the globe, North Korea somehow stands out in its shelter.. We, as a eastern society, on the other hand are exposed to various kinds of information on a daily basis.Up to 3000 advertising messages per day to be precise. We cannot walk around a block without being attracted to buy a certain product, use form of service, or have a particular view. There is an absolute abundance of options. But are we really free to choose? Who is it to say that our source of information does not choose our information for us? Are we, despite having freedom of choice, not at all This idea formed the basis of our selected topic of research and led to the exploration of truth manipulation in the current media landscape.AIMS & OBJECTIVES Firstly to create awareness amongst the public about techniques employed by media corporation to spin truths and push their political and social agendas and opinions upon s ociety. Then to equip the audience with necessary means in order to defend themselves against truth manipulation in the current media landscape. The objective is not to dictate views or opinions but to encourage a critical perspective when listening to, reading and taking in news and current affairs information.We would like to encourage the audience to think for themselves, form their own opinions and draw logical conclusions from the media they absorb. PURPOSE, NEED & SIGNIFICANCE As a consumer driven society, the public are often immature to the variety of ethos employed by media giants in order to influence opinions to support with their own agendas. Many of these cooperation's have continuously dishonored their responsibility to serve public interest and raise unbiased awareness of news and current issues.As time progresses, and sophistication in technology becomes more and more advanced, consumers are becoming more at risk to truth manipulation as they do not nave ten addle TT Y to Keep up Witt meal movements I Nils provokes ten meal giants with the opportunity to force their opinions and as a result the unsuspecting public come more susceptible to the success of the medias deeds. This is a demoralizing factor in today's society, as society puts a certain amount of trust into the media and hope that what they are delivering is authentic and unaltered information rather than issues that have been fictitious to benefit secondary needs.This is where the public are being misled. What is needed to overcome these troubling issues is a raise in public awareness. Propaganda and truth manipulation must be exposed so the public are able to see that the information they receive is not necessary the whole truth. Once this occurs, e as a society will be better equipped to form our own opinions, and perhaps even regain some power over media giants. Grassroots is where this movement must begin and it is our aim to assist such a cause. RESEARCH METHODS This project cente rs around research and investigation.In order to absorb and analyze as much information as possible on the chosen topic of truth manipulation, we have decided to employ several vastly different research methods. Initial investigation began by conducting a ‘cultural probe'. This method is a first- hand data gathering attempt. The exercise involved using five people to participate in series of news, media and communication related activities. The aim of this method is more about gathering inspiration than information. The outcomes and results of this method are outlined below in the section entitled ‘Cultural Probe Results'.Secondary research took the form of a literature review, as included on the following pages. Each group member selected or was assigned a series of literature and information sources to investigate and report. Sources included documentaries, films, publications, Journals, articles, case studies and electronic resources. Both global and local issues were explored. This form of research aided a better understanding of our topic, and helped us form individual and collective opinions of the issues arising. The outcome is the following argumentative essay.At the point of writing this research proposal, third and fourth methods of investigation are being discussed. Further primary methods such as surveys, questionnaires and focus groups may be used to further enhance our learning and knowledge. User testing will be used during the design development stage to determine if the target market are receptive to any developed outcomes. Major meal corporation's use tenet power Ana meal outlets to portray an oaten hidden political or social agenda. To do so they spin and manipulate truths, molding information to suit their cause.Authenticity of information is lost owing to this trend, and it has become increasingly difficult for the public to separate fact from fabricated fiction and false, misleading information. The media has a role to portray true and relevant information and so serve public interest. This idea is seemingly lost on many media giants who are more focused on profit and swaying opinion than delivering a realistic and reasonable account of rent affairs and issues. This goes against the Journalistic promise to honor societies right to true and honest information.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Descartes essay

buy custom Descartes essay Descartes portrays his own search for truth as the only knowledge. This includes the truth of mathematic and the metaphysical foundation of sciences. He argued that such knowledge could only be acquired through reasoning. However, the knowledge of physics can be gained from experience of the scientific methods. According to him, the rational pursuit of truth should be based on doubting every belief about reality. He developed a way to attain the real truth other than what he had acquired in the school. Truth that is obtained by reason is broken down into intuition elements which through a deductive process can result to clear truth. For example, he introduced metaphysical dualism which can be used to distinguish between the human mind and body to solve the mind-body problems. Can philosophy be taught? According to Descartes, it cannot be taught but can only be studied and learned. Philosophy begins from a wonderment of the Being of the universe which is the basic problem of philosophy. It actually starts from the self. According to Socrates, philosophy is learned from the act of persistent questioning of authorities and public figures in order to discover the truth of a good life. Socrates was much interested in ethics; he considered the principle of self-knowledg as the adequate condition to a good life. His paradox of an unexamined life is not worth living was meant to highlight the importance of knowledge before anything else on earth. Logic is a branch of mathematics which is a sub set of philosophy. Mathematical logics employ the use of operations which make use of true or false parameters other than numbers. Mathematics is usually a good model to whoever wants to have a clear and logical reasoning because the rules of logics are properly designed, therefore, any well designed and valid mathematical deduction is usually correct. It cannot be realistic to believe that our thought processes are as clear as mathematical proofs because not all thoughts are properly designed to tackle basic human problems. The cogito ergo sum is Descartes most celebrated contribution to the history of ideas. The meaning of this is that someone is wondering whether or not they exist, in and or itself; proof that something an I exists to do the thinking. According to Ren Descartes, the reason why human beings doubt that they have a body is because of the failure to apply their brains to work i.e. not thinking. The message actually depicts that whatever a person thinks, that iss what he is. And if a person believes there is external world, there is, if not there isnt. In Meditation II, Descartes addresses a piece of wax as he melts it in the fire. His main intention is to demonstrate how the same wax changes all its eight characteristics upon exposure to some source of heat. He illustrates that despite the piece of wax still remain even after its change of form, it is nothing appealing to the five senses. It remains to concede that I do not take hold of what this wax is although the imagination i perceive it through the mind alone. But I need to recognize that the insight of the wax is neither a touching, nor a seeing, nor an imagining. Dreams are perceived as external object openly through the concept of our own minds and the images are the result of the external object we perceive. He complements that there are no precise ways of differentiating dreams from waking experiences and hallucinations. My view is that a persons dream is a clear picture of what the mind can see. The method of hyperbolic doubt is the practical and excellent method that ensures both provable and true statements are deductively demonstrated. It actually resembles modern scepticism in the questioning of the most accepted beliefs and norms. Buy custom Descartes essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

character building Essay Example

character building Essay Example character building Essay character building Essay Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Honorable : All of the Juries of Speech contest : All of the teachers Unforgettable : All of the participants of Speech Contest Ladies Gentlemen Happy brothers sisters Firstly, lets pray and thanks unto our God Allah SWT, who has been giving us mercies and blessings, so we can attend and gather in this nice place with good condition and happy situation. Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW the last messenger of Allah who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, from Jahiliyah to Islamiyah namely Islam Religion. Thirdly, I dont forget to say thank you very much to the MC who has given me time to speak in front of you all. When we talk about tourism, we are sure that we imagine about a nice place, fresh air, and everything we want are available there. Tourist resort is a place where the visitors can enjoy the specification of it. For example in BoJonegoro our home town, there are some tourist resorts which can be developed in the future, for example is Batik. Batik is home industries. One of the most fascinating home industries that has grown up in Bo]onegoro and is becoming ncreasingly to attract tourists to come to BoJonegoro. There are many kinds of Batik Jonegoroan, some of them are part, Jati, Jagung and mliwis. The quantity and variety of batik pattern is well known throughout the world. Batik from Bo]onegoro or Batik Jonegoroan is usually colorful and has floral designs. Because batik is part of Indonesia beautiful cultural heritage. Bo]onegoro Authority tries hard to promote Batik to the foreigners. The way to promote is follow Batik to accompany Javanese traditional ceremonies. You know Javanese has some traditional ceremonies, for example is Wedding Ceremony. Happy au01ences Brothers and sisters Wedding ceremony is held in series, from bathing the bride to be and the groom to be called siraman a day before the wedding party and is continued with Malam Midodareni. All of this need Batik as the clothes who they wore. Thats why ? Lets do hard to introduce Batik Jonegoroan as a part of tourist destination. And Batik can be popular among tourist objects in Bo]onegoro. 0k thank you very much for your attention Hopefully it will be good advice for us The last I say Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb Topic : Ersa Aulia Mayori SMP N 2 BOJONEGORO : Tourism

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Word Choice Disinterested vs. Uninterested

Word Choice Disinterested vs. Uninterested Word Choice: Disinterested vs. Uninterested Here at Proofed, we see plenty of linguistic mix-ups. However, few cause more confusion than â€Å"disinterested† and â€Å"uninterested.† It’s easy to understand why these words sometimes baffle even native English speakers, as they’re alike in many ways. Both are adjectives related to attention, for example, and the prefixes â€Å"dis-† and â€Å"un-† are sometimes used interchangeably. But â€Å"disinterested† and â€Å"uninterested† have importantly distinct meanings, so it’s vital to use them correctly in academic writing. Disinterested (Objective) The word â€Å"disinterested† implies freedom from bias and self-interest. When we want to take a neutral or objective attitude towards something, we would adopt a â€Å"disinterested approach†: Although he cared about the environment, as a scientist, James knew he had to address climate change disinterestedly. Uninterested (Bored) The word â€Å"uninterested,† by comparison, means â€Å"indifferent† or â€Å"bored.† Thus, if we simply have no concern for something, we are â€Å"uninterested†: Although Jane was a environmentalist, she was uninterested in the science behind climate change. The Prefixes: Dis- and Un- One way to remember the difference between these terms is to consider what the prefix at the beginning of each word means. The prefix â€Å"dis-† implies separation (e.g., disconnected, disjointed). So being â€Å"disinterested† is an attempt to look past your own interests: a deliberate attempt to adopt a neutral attitude. The prefix â€Å"un-† in this case implies a negation (e.g., unhappy, unknown). As such, being â€Å"uninterested† is the opposite of being interested: i.e., a lack of interest rather than a deliberate attempt to approach something without bias. Disinterested or Uninterested? As you can see, there’s a huge difference between the meanings of â€Å"disinterested† and â€Å"uninterested.† To make sure you use these terms correctly, remember the following: Disinterested = Neutral or unbiased Uninterested = Indifferent or bored If you can remember this, you should avoid errors in your writing. But since it’s easy to overlook these things, it never hurts to have a professional check your work. Try sending a 500-word sample to be proofread for free.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reflection on two articles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection on two articles - Research Paper Example One of the prominent expressions of Muslim politics in recent decades is the permissibility of ‘hijab’ and ‘niqab’ (a set of conservative dress codes for Muslim women) in public spaces. While this dress code is mandated in some of the orthodox Islamic nations in the Middle East and elsewhere, it is a point of debate in the context of secular and democratic settings. The recent flare up of the issue in France is a typical example. While liberal politicians and their contingent electoral base cite reasons of tolerance and diversity, the opposing camp (albeit the more vocal one) argue that such religious symbols undermine French national cultural identity and secularism. The authors illustrate how just as the esoteric ‘language of politics’ restricts the range of possible outcomes, there is a symmetric ‘politics of language’, where political groups jostle to control public thought. The case of Iraqi political affairs under the prolonge d rule of late Saddam Hussein illustrates this twin exploitation. Saddam Hussein tried to garner public support for his invasion of Kuwait in 1991 by stating geopolitical threats imposed by America and its allies. He also invoked the politics of language by portraying his mission as one of ‘jihad’. He also cleverly equated the triangular alliance of the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel as the ‘infidels’. Such Koranic references are deep-rooted in Iraqi (and Muslim) societies that it is easy to fathom the political mileage to be gained through their exploitation. Another salient point is that in the realm of Muslim politics, authoritarianism and coercion seldom prove effective. To the contrary, it is persuasion – artful, rhetorical, logical or otherwise – that brings about consent and stability in the population. This is evident in the fact that even seemingly totalitarian regimes back up their legitimacy by associating with Islamic texts and doctr ines. 2. What evidence do you find in support of Khayr Al-Din's reform agenda in 19th Century Tunisia? How does he try to harmonise between Islam and Western ideas of liberty? Khayr Al-Din Pasha is a pivotal reformist figure in Tunisian political history. Indeed, he is such a polymath that he contributed reformist ideas in the areas of Tunisian military, socio-politics and beyond. At a time when Tunisia was suffering the excesses of Ottoman imperialism, Khayr Al-Din galvanized the spirit of the whole nation through his reform agenda. Khayr Al-Din was a truly enlightened thinker and he aspired for the most ideal Tunisian society and polity. He viewed the established conception and orthodox methods of governance as the major hindrances to real progress. Khayr Al-Din understood the importance of the principles outlined in Aqwam al-Masalik. The work outlined how to bring about the co-operation between statesmen and theologicians and how to make them work toward a common reform agenda. N ot only did Khayr Al-Din devise ingenious ways of achieving this cooperative atmosphere, but he also worked toward creating a fresh and forward-looking post-colonial mindset/collective consciousness. Another inspiration and key ally for the reform agenda was the writer and thinker Qabadu. Qabadu articulated a romantic vision of future Tunisian society in his prose and poetry works, which Khayr Al-Din

Friday, October 18, 2019

Total reward -Job Satisfaction Literature review

Total reward -Job Satisfaction - Literature review Example Total Rewards pertains to all the tools that an employer has at one’s disposal, which could be used to attract, retain and motivate employees.Total Rewards approach takes into cognizance all the factors and attributes that are the direct outcome of an employment relationship, which are perceived by an employee to be of valueThe objective of the Total Rewards approach is to optimize the rewards offerings facilitated by an organization so as to yield the optimal results for the money spent on configuring and delivering awards This approach may involve an integration of a wide range of programs within an organization, which may not be directly perceived to be rewards by everyone (Fitz-Enz 2009). A wide range of practices that may involve enhancing the employee productivity by making the work hours more flexible, curtailing employee turnover by extending career advancement and training opportunities within an organization, making the management system within an organization more p articipative and interactive to encourage employee participation could be blended with the direct and indirect monetary compensation to yield maximal results from a reward system that is inherently bold and innovative (Fitz-Enz 2009). A Total Rewards approach do takes into consideration that the fact that when it comes to foster a workforce that is committed and motivated, the tangible reward forms and systems are important, but are certainly the be all and end all of a viable reward system (Fitz-Enz 2009). In that context, the question that deserves the attention of researchers is that why the reward approach has suddenly become very important in the contemporary context. One of the reasons for this is that there is a war for talent in the job market out there. Though going with the current economic meltdown and the recessionary trends, the labour market may have softened somewhat, still, employee retention has emerged to be a pivotal issue in many organizations (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark 2007, p. 62). Companies do incur massive expenditure in training and grooming talent and hence attracting and retaining a staff that is experienced and skilled stands to be the top priority for many managers. With the compensation budgets getting more constrained, the competition to attract skilled and experienced employees has tremendously increased (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark 2007, p. 62). To be able to cope up with such budgetary squeezes, managers need to delve on an assortment of tangible and intangible rewards and benefits to hold on to their employees. Then there is an enhancing focus on employee engagement (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark 2007, p. 63). By making the jobs more rewarding and meaningful, the managers can encourage the employees to put in a discretionary effort so as to deliver better results (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark 2007, p. 63). The challenging global environment is pushing the organizations to make the most of the human resources that they have at their disposa l, and hence it has become essential for the managers to directly depend on their employees to perform and act in a way that is in consonance with the organization’s objectives, values and culture (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark 2007, p. 63). The increasing diversity of workforce is one other reason necessitating a Total Rewards approach towards management (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark 2007, p. 64). Globalization has given way to dilution of borders and has augmented the diversity within organizations (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark, p. 64). Besides with women getting an enhanced access to education and career building opportunities, the participation and proportion of women within the workforce has increased (Jensen, Mcmullen & Stark, p. 64). Changes in social attributes and demographic aspects have also contributed to the

Advertisement in the Far East Economic Review magazine in 1972 Essay

Advertisement in the Far East Economic Review magazine in 1972 - Essay Example This "Advertisement in the â€Å"Far East Economic Review† magazine in 1972" outlines and analyzed the ad which was published in this particular media, its style and strategies. This advertisement uses sexual appeal to attract potential customers to use the airline. The advertisement poem is based entirely on sexuality to attract customers to choose MSA for there are beautiful airhostesses waiting to serve them early in the morning. Not just that, the picture that accompanies the text, shows a very pleasant looking woman standing amidst the passengers who are all men. This too is hinting at some sort of sexual discrimination that the airline seeks to exploit in order to get new customers (Goffman, 1979). Besides the critical sexist outlook of the advertisement, the poetry used in the advertisement is pretty catchy. Small verses are always helpful since the readers get them on their tongues quicker and they can relate to what they read when they are looking for a reliable service or product. The ad by MSA uses short verses, catchy words and sexual attraction to persuade customers to the airline. Although the ad is about attracting all kinds of customers to MSA, the picture depicts a slightly different story. It shows customers who are well suited indicating that MSA would be a great service for professional elites. By doing so, it would attract customers who are at the wealthier side and can afford more airline visits. This is indeed a clever strategy by the airline. That is again a very important aspect in the advertisement.

South Africa Fashion Business Environment Assignment

South Africa Fashion Business Environment - Assignment Example The location of the boutique in Worcester Mall is strategic. The boutique is in the interesting location because it is on the wine route that is likely to have a variety of customers from not only the area but also even the international visitors. However, this might be a disadvantage if the wine tasting seasons is not booming because that will mean the customer base will be the locals only. In Craighall Mall, the boutique is located in the most expansive Suburb. However, the disadvantage is that it is very close to the Hide Park mall that also has the best customer base both international and locals the interesting thing about the local customer is that most are international diplomats. According to Jennings, paying R640.00 for a dress will not be a big deal, however, places like Durban this can be too high for some locals as the Durban culture is different from the Johannesburg culture when it comes to important things about life necessities i.e. what comes first food or fashion. In Hemmingway, the mall is located along the Two River Drive and Western Avenue. The center also offers a good site for the display of fashions. It has over 2000 stores which include jeweler’s shop, stationery and clothing shops. It also contains a variety of products At Gateway theatre the mall strategically placed to promote fashion and design. Has a sophisticated fashion and spacious site for a customer. It thus can be a better site for tourists than designs stores. Cavendish Square is located at the heart of the Cape Town. Thus has a wide variety of customers and offers good services like free trolleys and free internet. Customers are guided by the good customer service. Customers can opt to shop here due to the maximum security. The riverside mall offers excellent design services. Its location promotes ease of movement. It has 140 stores with varied fashion stores.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wiki level English proof Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wiki level English proof - Essay Example gic" So far, the Daogame has successfully held three investment fair, about 20 of 60 pocketgame development teams received support from Daogame investment & trading conference and got over 48 million financial support from investor. The closed matrix mode is used in time cost management and CP quality management by Daogame investment & trading conference as a leader in pocket game industry. Moreover, Daogame investment & trading conference aim at high quality service pocket game developer and investor. 1. Oydcapital aim at TMT investment project that include pocket game, mobile Internet, e-commerce. They explore value of potential and creative idea. All members of fund management team were graduated from Tsinghua and Peking University. They have a great experience overses in the relative industry. With its operational experience and accumulated in the Sino-US trade both rich industry resources and connections to make up for insufficient investment in the company, as they seek opportunities for cooperation, customer follow-up financing and mergers and acquisitions or listing opportunities. Currently, Oydcapital have invested in 20 of 50 pocket game company. Such as EGLS (3billion sold to Dragon pipe manufacture co.Ltd), Lexun, 2. Newmargin Ltd. is one of the largest investment company in China was established at 21 of July 1991. In the Chinese market Newmargin produce investment mode by many years’ development and exploration. Newmargin has over 400 clients, most of them coming from IT industry. such as Sina(one of largest web portal in China), UC, Xiaomi, Vancl, Kugou(popular online music platform in China), Thunder etc. Around 50-60 organizations were listed in market by Newmargin support. 3. China Renaissance K2 Ventures is one of the angle investor in technic area. Their clients include,,,, mojichina, Meet you, lmbang, breadtrip, Airline

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Who were the samurai What role did the samurai play, both militarily Essay

Who were the samurai What role did the samurai play, both militarily and otherwise - Essay Example This is exactly what samurai’s did. These men were confident warriors who served their country during a tumultuous time in it’s history. Samurais came to be during the Heian period. The Japanese army, which was under the control of the emperor, disbanded as the emperor began to lose power. As the emperor lost power, clans formed to collect taxes. In their own interest, however, they heavily taxed the citizens, driving many away from their homes. â€Å"Regional clans grew powerful by offering lower taxes to their subjects as well as freedom from conscription. These clans armed themselves to repel other clans and magistrates from collecting taxes. They would eventually form themselves into armed parties and became samurai,† (Samurai History) The samurai went on to protect the citizens, primarily farmers, as well as their fellow clans from the corrupt tax collectors. They eventually began to wear armor that was typical of Japanese warriors of that era. The ethical c ode which they set up for themselves, known as bushido, set them aside, making them a class of their own. When Emperor Toba died in 1156, chaos ensued. No one knew which of his sons would take over. A civil war between the two sons was the result, with neither of which gaining control. Rather, the two prominent samurai clans, the Minamoto and Taira, fought over power, with the Taira establishing the first shogunate (Szczepnski). These two clans would clash again, however, with the Minamoto coming out on top. This led to the transition to the Kamakura Shogunate. Samurai rule was interrupted when imperial rule tried to re-implement itself. This unsuccessful run lasted only 3 years, however, leading to the weak rule of the Ashikaga Shogunate. There was daimyo interference during the Ashikage Shogunate, which led to the 10 year long Onin War, and eventually to the Sengoku. During the Sengoku, various daimyo clans battled to overthrow samurai rule and establish themselves as rulers. It w asn’t until 1868 that the samurai were overthrown during Meiji Restoration. â€Å"Emperor Meiji abolished the samurai's right to be the only armed force in favor of a more modern, western-style conscripted army. Samurai became Shizoku () who retained some of their salaries, but the right to wear a katana in public was eventually abolished along with the right to cut down commoners who paid them disrespect,† (Samurai History). Perhaps the most lasting legacy of the samurai was the bushido code. Samurai were known for their impeccable conduct and followed eight virtues to continue to behave accordingly. (Clark) The first of these virtues was Rectitude or Justice. In other words, samurai were to use reason in their actions, not acting out irrationally and bringing shame upon themselves. The second, courage, was emphasized to only be truly courageous if it was acted upon with rectitude in mind. The third, benevolence or mercy, was highly emphasized because of how important it was in the writings of Confucius. Confucius believed that â€Å"†¦the highest requirement of a ruler of men is Benevolence,† (Clark). The fourth, politeness, emphasized civialrous actions, rooted in benevolence. The fifth, honesty and sincerity, meant denouncing financial importance and recognizing luxury as â€Å"the greatest menace to manhood,† (Clark). The sixth, honor, was what the life of the samurai was about. It was about living with fear of bringing shame upon themselves and their clan. The seventh, loyalty, was important to relations between clan members. There were no excuses for betraying a fellow samurai. The last, character and self-control, best summarizes the meaning of the bushido code. Clark puts it best, describing it as teaching â€Å"

Wiki level English proof Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wiki level English proof - Essay Example gic" So far, the Daogame has successfully held three investment fair, about 20 of 60 pocketgame development teams received support from Daogame investment & trading conference and got over 48 million financial support from investor. The closed matrix mode is used in time cost management and CP quality management by Daogame investment & trading conference as a leader in pocket game industry. Moreover, Daogame investment & trading conference aim at high quality service pocket game developer and investor. 1. Oydcapital aim at TMT investment project that include pocket game, mobile Internet, e-commerce. They explore value of potential and creative idea. All members of fund management team were graduated from Tsinghua and Peking University. They have a great experience overses in the relative industry. With its operational experience and accumulated in the Sino-US trade both rich industry resources and connections to make up for insufficient investment in the company, as they seek opportunities for cooperation, customer follow-up financing and mergers and acquisitions or listing opportunities. Currently, Oydcapital have invested in 20 of 50 pocket game company. Such as EGLS (3billion sold to Dragon pipe manufacture co.Ltd), Lexun, 2. Newmargin Ltd. is one of the largest investment company in China was established at 21 of July 1991. In the Chinese market Newmargin produce investment mode by many years’ development and exploration. Newmargin has over 400 clients, most of them coming from IT industry. such as Sina(one of largest web portal in China), UC, Xiaomi, Vancl, Kugou(popular online music platform in China), Thunder etc. Around 50-60 organizations were listed in market by Newmargin support. 3. China Renaissance K2 Ventures is one of the angle investor in technic area. Their clients include,,,, mojichina, Meet you, lmbang, breadtrip, Airline

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Deming Case Study Essay Example for Free

Deming Case Study Essay 1Introduction 1.1Microsoft Background Microsoft Corporation is a multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Its most profitable products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software. Microsoft was co-founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975.Microsoft rose to dominate the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by the Windows line of operating systems. One of Microsofts original mission was a computer on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software. The company also markets both computer hardware products such as the Microsoft mouse and the Microsoft Natural keyboard, as well as home entertainment products such as the Xbox, Xbox 360, Zune and MSN TV. 1.2The Aim Of Report The aim of the report is to do an analysis on Microsoft corporation on how the Deming’s 14 point would impact the Company Performance. It will focus on: * Company existing practice  * Qualitative degree of Conformance against the 14 points 2.Quality Chain Reaction 3.The 14 Deming’s Point 1st Point Create Constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service Plan for quality for the beginning for long-term commitment by continuously provides top quality product or even exceeding it. The organization should always predict and prepare for the any future challenges that are to come. Microsoft is currently applying this practice in their Organization. In the 1980 they come up with MS-DOS the earlier version of their Operating System which evolves to Window 95.Here is where the window-line operating system keeps on evolving until year 2012 with the introduction of Window 8.Every operating system it comes with an improvement. Since the emergence of Apple in the PC industry Microsoft now are having a stiff competition in the area where they used to be dominating since 1980’s. Microsoft needs to maintain this system in order to remain competitive in the PC industry. 2nd Point Adopt the New philosophy. Organization need to implement quality not only to its product but to the whole organization process. Rather than reacting to competitive pressure, an organization should focus on the customer need, what exactly they want. The employee of Microsoft been used to all the benefit working with Microsoft such as high speed internet and tend to forget the outside world doesn’t have the luxury they are experiencing and expect the gadget there are using will have the same impact to the outside world. Problem arises when their product are not well accepted by the public since its unsuitable to them since they are lacking the facility to fully used it, Microsoft need to understand what the people needs first before deciding and producing the product. Produce a product that everyone can use and it needs to be the best product and in good quality. Resource 3rd point Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Deming emphasize that organization need to stop depending on inspection. It is costly and unreliable in the long-run. It function don’t actually improve quality but to find lack of quality. Therefore organizations need to build quality from the beginning of process till its end. Microsoft need to take this into consideration because during Microsoft Surface tablet launching the device crash during its presentation, thus show the incapability’s of its device. If they had implement Quality in the beginning this would had happen. Microsoft should learn from this experience and not depend on inspection during the production. They should ensure any possible problems are eliminated during the production itself from earlier stage by making the sure top quality products are done from every step of the production. 4th point Move toward a single supplier for any one item on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust. By having lesser supplier, an organization can focus on the quality of their output. Other than price, quality is another priority when looking for a supplier. Microsoft need to motivate supplier to improve on their quality and when they achieve it look at them as a partner in quality rather than a business connection. Software and application developer need to provide the very best service so that Microsoft can depend on them to even produce a good product themselves. 5th Point Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity and this will lead to decrease in cost. An organization need to continuously improve their system and process. Deming encourage the use of Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to do analysis and find ways of improvement. The Organization should emphasize on training and education so everyone can perform better in their jobs to reduce waste, improve productivity, effectiveness and safety. Currently employee in the RD department is given the freedom to be creative and innovative in creating Product as long is benefiting the organization. In 2010 spend $9.5 billion for research and development. Microsoft wanted to its employee to be able to find new ways to improve their current product and service. This can be done  through training, providing seminar and outsourcing it employee to perform better. 6th point Institute training on the job By providing a consistence training toward the people an organization will be able to reduce variation. By providing training on the job they will be able to build a foundation of common knowledge. This allows the worker to understand their roles. Encourage staff to learn from each other. In some department of Microsoft some employee are lacking the motivation to improve themselves, these employee lack interest to outperform. Microsoft needs to institute training for them in order to improve their capabilities by encouraging them to attend seminar and courses. This would better prepare the Microsoft for any difficulties since these employees will be able to solve the problem with having to consult the top management. This will also improve the quality of their work since they have the knowledge and the expertise to do so. 7th point Institute leadership-Done The aim of leadership is to make supervisor and managers to understand their staff or worker and the process they are using. The leader should not only supervise but also give guidance rather than punishment. A leader should know what needed to make the individual work at their best. Microsoft actually had a touch-screen e-reader developed in 1998, but Bill Gates ignored it because he didn’t like the user interface and didn’t represent Microsoft. The team that developed the reader was told to stop coming up with new ideas and instead work on software for Microsoft Office which is their comfort zone. Only now after touch screen getting so much coverage they start giving it attention. The top management should be encourage those staff who came up with innovation to pursue their invention. If they were to pursue the idea in the beginning, they would be still dominating the gadget industry. 8th point Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company By eliminating fear its throw away people worry and concern of making mistake thus making them able to perform at their best. The organization needs to let its people them know the management will not place blame if mistakes occur. Ensure those who are supervising the worker are approachable. Encourage open communication between manager and employee to make them feel comfortable in expressing their problem. An article mentions Bosses at Microsoft screams at employees and blaming them for everything, whether it was their fault or not. This creates fear to employee to be cautious when they are working and even driving them to move out of the company. This will have an impact of the quality productivity. Microsoft needs to establish a friendly relation with its employee to ensure their commitment and motivation to perform at the highest level. High morale employee will produce good productivity and service. Resource 9th point Break down the barrier between departments Each department need to recognize each other department function so they can understand which department depend on which. Rather than Departments trying to compromise, they should focus on collaboration and build a shared vision to achieve this. This would improve teamwork and reduce adversarial relationships. For this point it’s trying to say that there were cases in Microsoft that there are boss of each department at times will be only thinking of their department. Only to maximize the performance of their own department without consulting with other department of how they are progressing. It would impact the outcome of the product. Microsoft need to ensure each department will be able to collaborate with each other to achieve their goal to attain top quality outcome. 10th point Eliminate slogan and target for the work force -Done The management need to let its subordinate what they want and not making them  to guess. An unclear slogan such as â€Å"Excellence in service† confused people which area or what kind of excellence are the organization are pointing at. It would be much clearer if it states â€Å"You Can Do Better If You Try†. An earlier mission statement of Microsoft is A computer on every desk and in every home. This doesn’t really tell a clear intention of Microsoft. Soon after a few year the Mission statement changes to a computer on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software .This clearly indicates the intention of Microsoft of providing Microsoft application and software to every computer. This would motivate its worker to work on Microsoft software. Microsoft should now make a clearer message rather than specific Slogan to ensure all it employees understood where the Organization goal and what they wanted to achieve. 11th point Eliminate management by Objective The management needs to see how the process is being carried out, not just on achieving its numerical target. Normally an organization production target produces high output but low on quality. Provide them with support and resource so that high qualities of production are achievable. Microsoft has tried this before with the Zune, which was an attempt to compete with iPod. Microsoft Corporation launches the Zune Mp3 player when Apple iPod was in its Prime. This attempt result in failure as Apple product are way better compare to their. Here Microsoft needs to know it not necessary to try to compete with other but focus on the quality which will meet with the consumer preference than they would have a higher chance of success rather than trying to rival its competitors. Resource 12th point Remove barrier to pride of workmanship These points concentrate of the people whose doing the work. It means to allow everyone to be proud of their achievement without being compared from one another. Treat all workers with the same treatment to eliminate competition amongst worker for any rewards. â€Å"If you were on a team of 10 people, you walked in the first day knowing that, no matter how good  everyone was, 2 people were going to get a great review, 7 were going to get mediocre reviews, and 1 was going to get a terrible review,† says a former software developer. â€Å"It leads to employees focusing on competing with each other rather than competing with other companies.† This is taken from a former employee of Microsoft, their clearly indicates there are favoritism in Microsoft Top management. This encourages rivalry amongst its own staff. Remove this, and then employee will then be able to focus on their job and produce quality product and service. 13th Point Implement education and Self-Improvement With this point, the management should focus on improving the current skill of its employee. By encouraging them to learn new skill and knowledge it will better prepare them for future challenges and changes In Microsoft Corporation they are lacking the motivation to be more innovative nowadays. They are more concern to preserves their existing product such as extending their office application, Window Operating system and increasing server software window server. Microsoft is not too fond of taking risk into making new product and service. It took them years to come up with Microsoft surface tablet when other developer such as Samsung and Apple’s been doing it for a few years already. They need to implement the 13th point so that its employee will be able to improve their ability and knowledge so that the organization can cope with changes in the future. 14th point Make Transformation everyone’s Job Everyone in the organization have to make changes, the organization will improve overall by having each person in the organization is motivated to produce better quality. To achieve this management will need to make changes in the management principle by applying the Deming’s 14 point into their system. Microsoft needs to analyze each small step and understand how these steps contribute to better quality. Everyone from the lower ranking worker to the top ranking should be able to contribute to their fullest. 4.Conclusion To conclude all Microsoft corporation need to implement the 14 Deming point to ensure its survival in its industry which it previously dominate. For the research done on Microsoft corporation , there are some major area that they need to gives attention too and Deming 14 point will be able to provide a solution if it is to be applied in the proper way. The success of this method will depend on the top management to its lower ranking worker of how well they can adopt to Deming philosophy. 5.Reference Book Mary. Walton (1986) ,The Demings Management Method Dennis F. Kehoe (1997) The Fundamentals Of Quality Management 2nd Edition Website †¢ (1960) Demings 14 points. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 August 2012]. †¢ Deming 14 points Philosophy. Available at [ Accessed: 27th August 2012]. †¢ Deming’s approach is summed up in his famous 14 points. Available at [Accessed: 30th August 2012]. †¢Information of Microsoft available at: [Accessed:25 August 2012] †¢Information for Microsoft Surface available at: †¢Information on former employee complain [Accessed:25 August 2012] [ Accessed:25 August

Monday, October 14, 2019

Article About Time Travel

Article About Time Travel Suppose that i give you a time machine and you travel some seventy years back and kill your grandfather. Since your grandfather would not have been married by then your fathers birth is not possible and you cannot be here today to travel back in time to kill your grandpa. Hence your grandpa is alive then and you are here today, now there is again the possibility for you to travel back and kill your grandpa. Soà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I stopped my lecture and looked at the children .Some of them were baffled but many had bright faces. Though they didnt understand they were all enthusiastic so I continued my lecture. This has no solution it is like an infinite loop, we call it grandfathers paradox and it is one of the problems in time travel. There are others for exampleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦,I stopped to pick up my ringing phone , I was shocked to learn that my grandfather passed away. As I was on my two hour flight to Hyderabad I spent my time reminiscing about my grandfather .He often said that there were no coincidences but only choices, either ours or others. But it was not my choice to hear about his demise while talking of grandfathers paradox, may be it was gods. My grandpa worked as an engineer in The Archeological Department of India, and headed the project for discovering the lost Indus valley civilization. He used to tell me strange stories about the Indus valley civilization when I was a child, but one of them was so fanciful that I just took it to be a mere fable but as I grew older my scientific knowledge and reasoning taught me that it was also possible. So I have asked him whether it was true or not and he always replied with a smile I have made an arrangement for you to know about it after I am dead . After the funeral my bereaved mom handed me a file which my grandpa wanted to give me. It was a collection of reports about the archeological discoveries around the world, UFO sightings etc., cut off from the newspapers. They looked decades old and I couldnt find their age coz there were no dates on them. As I scanned those articles one of them titled- Mysterious artifact found in the excavations at Harappa, caught my attention .My heart started pounding with anxiety to know whether this was the proof I was waiting for ,and I started reading it. A mysterious artifact resembling those found in 1903 at the excavations near the pyramids in Egypt was found at Harappa last month .Neither the material from which it is made nor its age were found by carbon dating spectrum analysis, but due to its dumble shape scientists believe it to be a toy. They also claim that this establishes that there was trade between the ancient Egyptians and the Indians. I was dazzled by his creative genius, coz he created a great story based on this article and it went like thisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ ******** He conceived the world around him in a different way, he used to say dont just look manavada (grand son), observe and question ,and at that age I couldnt really understand the difference. When I was in sixth grade I asked him the same question, he stared at me for a while and asked me do you know how many stone blocks were laid to construct the Giza pyramid ?,I said no. about 25 lakh stones each weighing about 25 tons, have u ever wondered how they constructed such a great structure in those days when they had no iron to cut the stones. Have u ever wondered how they transported or lifted such heavy blocks. I said no. It is simple, someone with the technology must have helped them. May be they were constructed by aliens. come on thathayya ( grandpa) not a fairy tale againà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., why is it impossible manavada, as Sherlock holmes says when you have eliminated the impossible, the remaining however improbable it may seem is possible. then which alien civilization do you think is responsible? May be the one a billion light years away or a well advanced civilization from this planet itself What, how is it possible for a civilization belonging to the same period to be so advanced than the Egyptians Not of the same time, may be their own future generations, time travellers. What nonsense ok then explain me this, the mortar used in the construction of the pyramid is responsible for its strength ,even the mortar we use today isnt that strong. Our scientists were able to decode its chemical composition but not the process by which it is made. Now imagine that in the future our scientists figured out this process and also some other science freak invented the time machine. To test the strength of this mortar our scientists go back 4500 years and help the Egyptians to construct the pyramids with it. Since our scientists discovered the process by reverse engineering the mortar and gave the technology to the Egyptians, it would not have been possible for the Egyptians to construct the pyramids without our scientists help, and if that is the case there would not have been the source for our scientists to reverse engineer and travel back in time to give it to the Egyptians. Now tell me who found the process first the ancients or our time travellers? . I was befuddled and told him that I dont believe in time travel just to save myself from his wizardry. Then he said I am gonna tell you a secret and please keep it a secret, I travelled in time once. I broke with laughter and said do I look so foolish?, where did u get such a huge time machine from? The time machine need not be a machine at all. There is a state called singularity, it is the state of matter at the core of a black hole. When a large star explodes it is called a supernova. The substance present at the core of a supernova is called Dark Matter, and the dark matter can be used to harvest a worm hole. And Albert Einstein stated that by constructing such worm holes we can travel back and forth in time. In 1952 I was sent to Egypt for fieldwork, there we found strange dumble shaped tools. I secretly brought one of them to India and gave it to my friend who is a physicist to find what material it is. He found a small portion of darkmatter that must have been left by some time traveller and we used it. Though it seemed silly I was awe struck by his creativity, so I asked him where did you go then? Do you know what caused the extinction of Indus valley civilization? Well there are several theories like Aryan invasion, frequent floods of the Indus, continuous seismic activity etc.. These theories are only a twenty or thirty years old, in 1952 the only theory was Aryan invasion theory. And we traveled back 3500 years to the time when this civilization started declining to verify this theory. But to our wonder we found no sign of any invasion, floods or other calamities. We were enthralled by the brilliance of the harappans, and the splendor of the hakra and indus rivers, our rivers today are just canals when compared to them. They were constructing a behemoth sized dam over the hakra river that even the great pyramid is no match to its magnificence. I never heard of any such large construction on the Indus before let me complete, as we were on our way back something unexpected happened. My friend used a little more amount of the darkmatter to create the worm hole , as we entered the worm hole a huge explosion occurred and it shattered the dam causing a chain of floods and earthquakes leading to the decline of the Indus valley civilization. Now do you understand why the Indus valley civilization became extinct?. Obviously because of you and your friend, if you would not have gone there it would not have become extinct, if it was not extinct you would not have gone there to find the reason, causality paradox I guess. So the Aryan invasion theory is false. No, infact it is the only true theory and the Aryans were none other than me and my friend. why didnt you travel back in time again to prevent the destruction? How could we, in that chaos we left the dumble there and now we cant go back.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Diabetes an Epidemic in the African American Community Essay -- Biolog

Diabetes an Epidemic in the African American Community "The facts are clear: The diabetes epidemic sweeping the U.S. is hitting the African American community particularly hard, according to doctors." (2) Diabetes is defined as, "A disease that affects the body's ability to produce or respond to insulin, a hormone that allows blood glucose (blood sugar) to enter the cells of the body and be used for energy." (1) There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, which usually begins during childhood or adolescence, "Is a condition characterized by high blood glucose levels caused by total lack of insulin. This occurs when the body's immune system attacks the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas and destroys them.." (2) Type 2 Diabetes, most common form of the disease, "Usually occurring in middle age adults after the age of forty-five, is a condition characterized by high blood glucose levels caused by either lack of insulin or the body's inability to use insulin efficiently." (2) National heal th surveys over the past 35 years show that the number of African American's that have been diagnosed with diabetes is drastically increasing. In fact, it has been reported, "Out of 16 million Americans with diabetes, twenty-three million are African Americans." (3) There are clearly many implications on why diabetes is so rampant in the African American community, those of which will be discussed in this report. In this report, I will exam aspects of the "African American Culture," in order to determine whether those aspects have anything to do with the reasons why diabetes is higher in the African American community, more so than others. "Have you ever heard in the Black culture someone say t... ... amounts of oils and sugars in food, improper dieting and apathy towards treating the disease. Diabetes is a major disease in all ethnicities, particularly in African Americans and can be deadly if not treated properly. If the cycle of diabetes is to lessen, in the African American community, people have to take the approach to eat right and exercise, or else the diabetes will continue to run rampant throughout the community. Internet Sources: 1) , a rich resource from the diabetes community outreach project 2) , a rich resource from the department of health and diabetes. 3, a rich resource on diabetes 4), a rich resource on diabetes

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Experiences of Youth in Nazi Germany 1933-1945 Essay -- World War 2 WW

Young people in Nazi Germany during the period between 1933 and 1945 had many different experiences according to the category of society in which they fell. This was determined by Nazi ideology regarding the supreme importance of maintaining the purity of the Aryan master race. All other ethnic groups were regarded as inferior, and this policy was pursued through force, propaganda and education. Jewish children, Hitler Youth, Swing Kids, and the disabled had very diverse treatment under Hitler's rule. They all had differing experiences due to Hitler's belief in the master race. The reason for these different experiences is Nazi ideology. Hitler's entire philosophy was based on a racist view of humanity. He believed that the Aryans must struggle against the Jews and defeat them, or be destroyed themselves, ?Those who want to live, let them fight and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.? Some youth groups fitted Hitler?s ideal German, but some did not, and that is the reason why they suffered such brutal experiences. Jewish youth in Nazi Germany suffered greatly after January 1933 when the Nazis came into power. Some rich Jewish families could afford to leave Germany but many could not. Hitler had made plain his hatred for Jews in Mein Kampf, ?If you cut even cautiously into such a sore, you find like a maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light ? a Jew.? Hitler blamed Jews for all the misfortunes that had fallen Germany. Children at schools were taught specifically anti-Semitic ideas. Jewish students were openly ridiculed by teachers and the bullying of Jews in the playground went unpunished. Hitler believed that if the Jewish children responded by not wanting ... ...asures against them included cutting their hair, sending their leaders to concentration camps and sending them back to school under close supervision. In 1942 Himmler wrote to Heydrich telling him to get stricter with the ringleaders of the Swing movement. Soon after, clubs were raided and participants were taken to camps. Himmler said, ?I cannot but see that we have taken only half measures. All ringleaders are into a concentration camp to be re-educated?detention must be 2-3 years.? In conclusion, most of the Hitler Youth fit into the category of Hitler?s ideal German. They were kept in high regard except they were worked to the extreme and if they were not good enough, they were killed off. However, the swing kids, the Jews and the disabled did not. Hitler loathed these groups and did what he could to exterminate them. This was all due to Hitler?s Nazi ideology.